It’s tough being an artist. I’d say “in this day-and-age” but it’s always been that way.
I’m not a business person, I’d never want to be a guy that’s ever trying to convince a person to buy art and I think if I ever got that way, I would have changed a lot from the person that I am.
Being the person that I am, I tend to not hold back on feelings that I have when I have them, that has been to my benefit sometimes and often, not so much. I remember being told that I was a screen door, you can see right through me… So, lately I’ve just decided to not pretend anything is what it’s not. If you really want to know about what’s going on in my career that I’ve chosen, you’ll probably find it very easy to know where I stand… I think I’m very happy with that.
On another note, check out my new print!
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